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You don’t need a doctor to tell you that Halloween can be a time of sugary sweets overload. If you’re trying to teach your family about eating healthy, what do you do? Together, we can help kids learn to enjoy the holidays without overindulging.

One way is to not hand out high-calorie candy at your home. Instead, promote healthier choices by offering less sugary treats. It’s also great for children who may have diabetes or other dietary restrictions.

Here are some great alternatives to try – that are cool enough for even the most discerning trick-or-treaters.

• Stickers – because what little one doesn’t love stickers?
• Sugarless chewing gum: Dentists will love you because they recommend it to help fight tooth decay.
• 100-calorie packs of snack products
• Snack-size boxes of raisins, trail mix or dried fruit
• 100% juice boxes
• Sugar-free hot chocolate packets
• Single-serve packets of popcorn
• Mini-boxes of pretzels, Goldfish crackers or crackers with cheese
• Cereal bars
• Gummy candy made with real fruit
• Temporary tattoos.
• Plastic jewelry: There’s glam, grown-up looking jewelry, Halloween themed, and even bubble rings for blowing bubbles.
• More Halloween-themed accessories: Glow sticks, glow-in-the-dark trinkets, eye patches, key chains and more.
• Pocket-sized toys and games. Consider miniature playthings such as yo-yos, bubble blowers, card games, finger puppets and more.
• Wendy’s Jr. Frosty coupons. Proceeds benefit the Dave Thomas Foundation, whose goal is to increase adoption of children in the foster care system. This is a good treat in moderation, under 200 calories with calcium and protein.

From all of us at YourTown Health, be safe and have a happy, healthy Halloween!

With multiple locations, you’re sure to find a clinic close to you. Visit www.yourtownhealth.com to see. The physicians at YourTown Health strive to offer children and young adults world-class care with highly qualified physicians. For more information or to schedule an appointment click here.