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YourTown Health, a network of seven Community Health Centers in Georgia, is offering COVID-19 testing at all of its locations at no charge beginning September 11, 2023. This includes both antigen and rapid PCR tests. No insurance is needed and Spanish-speaking providers are available.

The purpose of the program is to help alleviate the current demand linked to CDC reports citing the recent rise in COVID-19 emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths.

“We are seeing a significant increase in testing and patients are generally having to pay for these tests,” ​​says YourTown Health CEO Jon Wollenzien. “We want all community members to know that they can come to one of our offices and get tested at no cost. If they are positive, we can start them on Paxlovid at no cost as well.

COVID-19 tests do not require an appointment. For a list of YourTown Health locations, visit our website.