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One of the many challenges of the coronavirus pandemic has been a lack of information. Health experts around the world are doing everything they can to learn more about this disease, how it spreads, and how to combat it. Unfortunately, this lack of information has also opened several doors to the spread of misleading information and myths about COVID-19.

To help educate you on important information regarding the pandemic, the medical experts at YourTown Health are exploring common COVID-19 myths. Want to learn more? Continue reading below!

Myth: COVID-19 dies in the heat.

Fact: While there is some evidence that the spread of coronavirus dies in extreme heat and humid conditions, this is not enough to justify not worrying about contracting COVID-19 in warmer weather. In fact, the world has witnessed a spike in cases as many took the summertime as an excuse to go outside and resume normal activities. 

Myth: I’ve been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past and am now immune.

Fact: While some cases have shown immunity to COVID-19 months after contracting it, there are also cases reported of people contracting the disease a second time.

In other words, we don’t currently know enough to prove that someone is immune to this disease. With this in mind, if you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past, you should continue to follow best practices to avoid contracting it in the future.

Myth: If I don’t feel sick or have symptoms, I don’t have COVID-19.

Fact: 1 in 5 cases of people with COVID-19 are asymptomatic, meaning 20% of people with the disease are not showing symptoms, according to a Healthline

In other words, symptom-free does not mean you’re in the clear. Therefore, wearing a mask in public, getting testing, and avoiding crowds, big or small, is still vital for everyone’s safety – not just those diagnosed or showing symptoms.  

Myth: Doctor offices or hospitals are not safe

Fact: Doctor’s offices and hospitals remain one of the safest places to receive medical care, even during this pandemic. Recently, many health organizations have experienced a decrease in outpatient visits and treatment of medical conditions due to people not visiting the doctor in fear of contracting COVID-19. 

To stay confident about your health, continue to visit your doctor for routine check-ups, and seek immediate care during a medical emergency. 

Myth: COVID-19 is the flu.

Fact: COVID-19 is not the flu. Although the symptoms of COVID-19 and the flu can look similar, the two are caused by different viruses. Learn more about the differences between COVID-19 and the flu. 

Myth: Young people are at low risk of contracting COVID-19.

Fact: Recent data shows a surge in young adults contracting COVID-19. It’s now believed that 1 in 3 young adults will experience severe symptoms of COVID-19 when diagnosed with the disease. 

Regardless of age, we must follow best practices and guidelines to avoid COVID-19 and to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and everyone around us. 

Myth: Testing is painful and not worth it.

Fact: There are several methods to test for COVID-19. The one that is most often discussed is the nasal swab method. Generally, many people have reported that the sensation when receiving the test was more of a tickle than anything else. It may be uncomfortable for a minute but should not be painful. Learn more about COVID-19 testing here, explained by the medical professionals at YourTown Health.  

If you are asking yourself, is receiving a test worth it? Understand this: receiving a COVID-19 test is the right thing to do for yourself, your loved ones, and others around you. Getting tested after being in large crowds, with the onset of symptoms, known exposure to someone who tested positive, or if you are just curious whether you are positive, is key to taking care of yourself and not passing the disease to anyone else. Read more about why COVID-19 testing is vital here.

At YourTown Health, we offer FREE COVID-19 tests to our surrounding communities on select dates and times. For updates on our testing dates, follow us on Facebook or Twitter or visit our COVID-19 Testing page on our website

If you would like to speak to one of our medical experts about COVID-19 or learn more about our testing, click here to contact us or call 770-463-4644.