Effective August 15, the Sliding Scale Nominal has changed to $25. For more information, please refer to our FAQ.

Telehealth is a great resource to use during the current COVID-19 pandemic and for appointments that might not require in-person examinations by your provider. 

Now that telehealth is more popular than ever, it’s good to familiarize yourself with the process and understand what happens during these virtual visits. This can lead to a more successful appointment!

Keep reading below to learn how telehealth appointments work. 

How Telehealth Appointments Work

Different healthcare practices have different processes for scheduling and administering a virtual visit. Generally, here’s what you can expect:

  • You will schedule your virtual visit appointment through a provider’s office.
  • Once your appointment has been scheduled, you’ll be provided with instructions on how to join your virtual visit. At the time of your appointment, you’ll enter a virtual waiting room.
  • Once the physician is ready, you’ll be “let into” the appointment.
  • Just like an in-person appointment, you will have plenty of time to speak with your physician during the virtual visit. 

How Telehealth Appointments Work At YourTown Health

At YourTown Health, we are proud to offer Telehealth solutions to new and existing patients. Our process for making an appointment may look a little different, but are easy to schedule:

  • Call a YourTown Health office location to make an appointment as you usually do.
  • Let the scheduler know that you’re interested in a virtual visit. If your visit requires that you see a provider in person, we will schedule you for an in-office visit appointment.
  • We’ll give you instructions on how to join your virtual telehealth appointment or how we will safely provide in-person care. 

What to Expect During a Telehealth Appointment

There is not much difference between telehealth appointments and in-person visits, except that the physician cannot physically examine you. During a telehealth appointment, you can still expect to discuss your medical history and lab results, present any concerns, ask questions, and even have prescriptions prescribed or filled. 

When Should You Not Use Telehealth?

Depending on the nature of your visit, your provider may decide whether an in-person or telehealth visit is appropriate for you. In general, telehealth appointments are not good for emergencies. For example, heart attack, stroke, lacerations, severe pain, difficulty breathing, or potential broken bones. For these situations, please call 9-1-1 or visit a local emergency facility. 

Contact a YourTown Health office location to ask about a convenient virtual visit.