Several of our locations are operating with new hours. Refer to our Locations page for details.

To keep healthcare visits convenient and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual appointments conducted over phone or video (also known as “telehealth” or “telemedicine”) have been an important tool for patients and physicians. 

These virtual visits allow patients to receive important, often time-sensitive healthcare while minimizing exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Beyond its benefits during the pandemic, telehealth has made certain medical services more accessible, convenient, and affordable for patient’s long term. For that reason, telehealth solutions are here to stay. 

Interested in learning more? Keep reading to explore the benefits of telehealth. 

Increases Comfort and Convenience

When you take away the pressure of commuting to a healthcare appointment—especially when it involves taking a lot of time off work or finding childcare—scheduling telehealth appointments become more manageable with a busy schedule. Instead of driving across town to your appointment, which can take a few hours out of your day, your healthcare appointment is only a click or phone call away. Also, with telehealth, you do not need to drive great distances to your physician’s office or clinic or sit in a busy waiting room. Instead, your healthcare visit can be done from the comfort of your home. 

Reduces Anxiety or Fear of Doctors’ Offices

“Iatrophobia” is the fear of visiting the doctor, and affects about 3 percent of the population — triggered by a fear of getting bad news, according to Dr. Barbara Cox in an article for NBC News. 

Even patients without Iatrophobia can experience some anxiety and fear related to visiting doctor’s offices or when in medical environments. Individuals in both of these situations can find solace in telehealth solutions, where they can stay in a familiar, comfortable environment (often their home) while still receiving quality healthcare. 

Allows More Patients to Be Seen

Because telehealth visits offer greater convenience, they can often be less time consuming for both parties—patients and physicians. As patients continue to use these telehealth services, physicians can see more patients, both virtually and in-person. This has been especially beneficial during the pandemic, allowing the patients in need of in-person appointments to be seen more quickly and on shorter notices. 

Stops the Spread of Diseases

Although telehealth solutions have been around for several years, the global COVID-19 pandemic brought greater demand for these services. Knowing that physical distance (social distancing) and isolation helped slow the spread of the virus and ensured patient and staff safety, many healthcare facilities started offering telehealth services. As practices routed appointments that didn’t require an in-person examination to telehealth visits, in turn, allowed for more in-person visits for patients that required them.

At YourTown Health, we’re proud to offer telehealth solutions to new and existing patients. Contact a YourTown Health office location to ask about a convenient virtual visit.

Inclement Weather Update: YourTown Health will be closed starting at 12:00 p.m. on January 21 and will reopen at noon on January 22. Stay safe and warm!