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Hearing reassuring stories from people you trust and admire can help ease your anxiety about almost everything. When you see familiar faces who have gotten through the other side of trouble, your own fears may subside. Especially when it comes to getting vaccinated. 

We at YourTown Health are caring members of your community — not just nurses and doctors, but neighbors who want you to stay healthy and safe. So we collected a few other friendly faces (including Dolly Parton, Morgan Freeman, and Olivia Rodrigo) who are in support of getting vaccinated against COVID-19, too. 

Confident Leaders

Many world leaders have demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of COVID vaccines. Former President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump were vaccinated as early as January 2021, as was current President Joe Biden

Other international leaders who have been vaccinated include:

  • Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi
  • Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud 
  • Chilean President Sebastian Pinera
  • South African President Cyril Ramasphosa
  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel 

Officials across the U.S. government also protected themselves with early vaccination, including Vice President Kamala Harris, former Vice President Mike Pence, and Florida Senator Marco Rubio. 

Inspiring Performers

They lift our spirits with their performances and their personalities, so why wouldn’t we be motivated by their vaccination experiences, as well? The list of vaccinated celebrities grows daily. Here’s what a few of them had to say about it:

Anthony Anderson – “I was hesitant because of past medical malfeasance against Black people. But I’m an African American male, 50 years old and a diabetic. My mom is an African American woman who is a smoker and diabetic. We checked too many of those boxes.”

Morgan Freeman – “In math, it’s called the distributive property. In people, it’s called taking care of one another.” 

Miss Universe Andrea Meza – “I’m doing it and this is my way of inviting you to take care of ourselves – the importance of wanting to take care of ourselves but at the same time, take care of our families, take care of others in society.” 

Dolly Parton – “I’m old enough to get it, and I’m smart enough to get it.”

Richard Petty – “I might have been a little bit hesitant, to begin with, but after looking at all of the statistics — I don’t see anything after you take the shot. Everyone seems to get along with it pretty good.”

Olivia Rodrigo – “It’s important to have conversations with friends and family members encouraging all communities to get vaccinated and actually get to a vaccination site.”

Danny Trejo – “I’m so proud to take this shot. . . .  If you don’t take it for yourself, take it for your family. . .” 

Trisha Yearwood – “I know there’s a lot of talk about whether or not, whether to. For me, it felt like, when I found out that we were going to have a vaccine and that I was going to be able to get the vaccine — and that we in the world were going to be able to be vaccinated — I cried because I feel like it’s a gift from God.”

Your Friends and Neighbors

A candid conversation with your family members, friends, co-workers, and close neighbors may provide all the star power you need. They can listen with care and may understand your fears the most. If they’ve gone through vaccination, their experiences may be the most reassuring medicine for you yet.
We’ve highlighted what being vaccinated can do for you, but are always available to address your COVID-19 concerns. Please contact us for more information, or call 770-463-4644.